Digital real estate is one way to diversify your portfolio. However, it does come with some risks. Before diving in, make sure to research this form of investing and speak to a financial advisor. Some examples of digital real estate include Bitcoin, the metaverse, and selling websites. Regardless of your reason for getting involved, this type of investing is here to stay. You can learn more about digital real estate by reading this article. It will help you make the best decisions when making your first investment.


If you are looking for a way to start a digital store, VirtueMart is a good choice. This program differs from traditional real estate in that it allows you to set your own limits, such as how many products you can sell. While VirtueMart does include a scalable cart, some of its features are lacking. For example, it is hard to manage a large number of products at once. VirtueMart also does not provide discount codes, gift vouchers, and other tools. VirtueMart does allow you to sort your products by best sellers, newest items, and other factors. You can also choose how to accept payments and ship your products.

Aside from the fact that it is a flexible platform, VirtueMart offers a lot of features. Firstly, it supports multiple languages and currencies. You can set up a multilanguage store with the help of a Virtuemart developer. Secondly, Virtuemart has a powerful calculator that provides real-time results. It is important that you hire a developer who is familiar with Virtuemart.



The prices of Decentraland have skyrocketed over the past year. This is due in part to confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as adoption by new generations. As the amount of available land decreases, so will the price of individual plots. There are numerous ways to profit from owning Decentraland real estate, from selling land to renting it out. Here are three ways to make money with Decentraland.

Decentraland allows users to buy and sell digital real estate in a fully immersive world. It resembles a virtual world similar to those in Fallout or Skyrim, and users can engage in peer-to-peer communication and create and own content. A virtual environment like this has attracted the attention of big names, and JPMorgan even has a lounge where people can come to relax after a long day.


SuperWorld digital real estate is an investment opportunity in the Ethereum-based gaming platform. This type of digital real estate provides the user with one-of-a-kind digital assets. In addition to this, users are stakeholder in the platform and receive payments for all activities that take place on their property. For example, they can earn by selling properties and getting a markup on the sales price. But the real question is how do you get started investing in SuperWorld?

In SuperWorld, users can purchase and sell virtual real estate by using non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These tokens are then tracked through the blockchain and linked to properties. The SuperWorld virtual world is a replica of the real world, with over 64 billion unique parcels. The company reports that more than 5,000 users have purchased virtual properties and are currently using these NFTs. This makes SuperWorld a popular investment option for both newbies and seasoned investors alike.

Somnium Space

If you’re looking to buy digital real estate, Somnium Space may be a great opportunity for you. This virtual reality world is based on the Ethereum blockchain, and it allows users to purchase digital assets such as land and cars using the decentralized currency CUBE. The game is compatible with the Oculus Quest VR headset, and it gained significant attention in 2021 when Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss joined the project as official advisors and invested in the project via their Gemini Frontier Fund.


Somnium Space uses a realistic graphic style to display its world, complete with mountains, lakes, cities, and waterfront areas. Because of the realistic look, land parcels are priced differently than normal – depending on size and proximity to desirable features. For more information, check out the marketplace for Somnium Space. It features thousands of land parcels and has a very flexible pricing system. If you’re interested, you can get a sneak peak at the price of a specific parcel before purchasing it.